Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Your Diamond Jewelry Certificate

One of the most unique features of your diamond jewelry is the individual certificate of identity called the diamond grading certificate. Like people (and some pet animals), your stone’s authenticity and individuality is officially confirmed with this certificate.

This is actually a report given by an independent gemological laboratory. There are a number of gemological laboratories which hand out these certificates.

However, only a few are respected by the whole diamond industry. The most well-known are the European Gemological Laboratories (EGL) and the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Individual stones

Each diamond is unique. This individual evaluation is strictly for the diamond’s quality, not its value.

The certificate maps out inclusions (imperfections), which are hand-drawn. This authenticates the diamond’s unique identity, since no two stones are exactly alike.

Certificate details

The first information (alongside the issue date of the report) is the Stone ID. This is a unique number assigned to your diamond and registered in a global database.

Next listed is the diamond’s cut and shape. If the shape is different from the standard round brilliant, it is called a fancy shape.

The dimensions are listed down as “largest diameter – smallest diameter X depth” for the round shapes. The others are listed as “length X width X depth”.

The weight is listed in carats, the standard unit of weights used for gemstones. (One carat is 200 milligrams.)

The grain lines reflect irregularities in the crystal structure. These are reported as colorless, white, colored or reflective.

The angles and measurements of the diamond that determine its optical properties are duly noted. Table size, crown angle and pavilion depth affect the stone’s appearance.

The certificate indicates the thickness of the girdle (the outside edge of the stone) relative to the diamond’s size, and whether it is polished or faceted. 

The culet (the stone’s bottom point) is listed either faceted or not. If faceted, it is noted relative to the size of the stone.

The grades of the diamond’s finish and polish are noted and described including the symmetry. Color is graded, too, from D (colorless) all the way to Z (yellow).

Symmetry is the arrangement of the stone’s facets (surfaces) and finished angles. Grading reports describe them accordingly, whether they are excellent, very good, good, fair or poor.

The cut is listed as well as the quality of the stone’s clarity. The clarity is the absence of inclusions (blemishes) and graded from “flawless” to “included” based on the size, nature, position and quantity of the inclusions.

The certificate also notes the pavilion depth (distance from the girdle to the culet) which affects brilliance. Deviations from the Tolkowsky ideal cut are also carefully documented.

Most diamonds “fluoresce” (showing whitish, yellowish, or bluish tint) when exposed to ultraviolet light. They are only stated in the report, not graded.

Finally, there is a diagram on the certificate that approximates the shape and cut of the diamond. It has markings (in symbols) that include the type, nature, position, and approximate size of a clarity characteristic.

Gem quality

Coming from a leading gemological laboratory (the EGL mark appears under ultraviolet light), the certificate will ensure that your diamond jewelry has the quality you paid for. Do your diamonds have certificates?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tips On Buying Diamond Jewelry

Diamonds are known as the hardest stones and also a symbol of commitment and undying love. This is why it is commonly a preference for engagement rings to symbolize the strength of the relationship.  But the search for the perfect diamond jewelry may be overwhelming since there are too many choices, designs and sizes to choose from.  How do you get the right diamond jewelry? 

You start with the four Cs: cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Cut gives the diamond its brilliance since it is about the number of sides in a diamond. The color  is also another contributing factor to its cost, the colorless diamonds are more expensive and valuable.  Clarity would refer to the perfection of the diamond, if it has any kind of air bubbles, spots or marks.  Contrary to what most people think, carats are about the weight of the diamond and not its size.  Learning about the four Cs would help you fe determine the best diamond jewelry.

There are some useful tips which could help you in scouting the “right one.”

• Determine your budget. 

Whenever you are buying a gift, an engagement ring or anniversary present, always think about how much you are willing to spend for it.  Always think about what you can afford.  It is not a good idea to purchase something which would eventually cause you to run into major financial debts.

• Do some research. 

Internet websites are great sources of information when determining what kind of cut would be ideal.  You could start by researching different cuts and what is your preference.  It would also help you at least get a ballpark figure on how much it would cost.

• Consider the band, craftsmanship and the design.

Other than the stone, also consider the type of metal band used for a ring.  Aside from that you could also consider the design and the overall craftsmanship used to create the jewelry.  For rings, there are different metal bands, yellow or white gold, titanium or platinum.  Of course, one could be more affordable than the other, so you would like to know more about the metal bands when choosing a jewelry.

• Go to a trusted jeweller.

You could always ask for your family member’s and friend’s opinion about where to go and buy your diamond gift.  There are big and national chains while there are local jewellers who may be within your community for a significant period of time.  You could do some background check on the local jeweller.  You could always look for jewellers who are members of the American Gen Society and other similar reputable organizations.

• It’s not just the jewelry.

When buying diamond jewelry or any other precious jewelries, always check the return policy.  There are some retailers who would sell jewels at a low cost only to find out that they cannot be returned.  Aside from that, always make sure that the diamond you will be buying will have a lab grading report/certificate with it.

This certificate describes the quality of the purchased jewelry.  Also, there are some retailers who would require the customer to return all the documents and certificates provided along with the diamond jewelry.

The Worth of Diamond Jewelry

Many couples believe the diamond jewelry such as rings signify eternal love and the unbreakable bond of marriage that’s why more and more people are being meticulous about it. Of all the kinds of wedding and engagement jewelry available in the market today, one of the most popular and in demand is those with diamond.

Men say diamond jewelry are timeless because of its classic appeal while women agree that the simplicity and elegance of the diamond jewelry can complement any existing fashion sense out there.

When shopping for a diamond jewelry

Shopping for that diamond jewelry ring can be quite an adventure/misadventure if you don’t gear up for it. Here are some important details you must bear in mind to lessen the stress during that diamond jewelry "hunting day":

1. List down what are the qualities that you are looking for your diamond jewelry. Jotting down preferred cut, shape, metal, and cost can help you find that perfect diamond jewelry for purposes like an engagement ring for your fiancée or as a present to a person who is very important in your life.

2. Surf the net for the latest trends in diamond jewelry and designs. Diamond jewelry usually comes with many different beautiful styles, textures, shapes, and colors. Searching for different web sites in the Internet that feature such product will help you determine which ones are valuable. You might even buy online because countless unique collections of diamond jewelry out in the market are also featured there.

3. Examine the diamond jewelry closely. Since the jewelry will exalt the magnificence of the diamond itself, you should examine the stone closely. If you’re on a limited budget, you can purchase the best stone your money can afford and just choose a mount—metal—that is less expensive.

4. Consider the size of the diamond on the jewelry. Make sure that stone size of the diamond should reciprocate the size of the person you are giving it to. For instance, you are going to give diamond jewelry such as a ring to your ride. As a general rule, petite woman should wear smaller stones than those full-figured women.

5. Be creative and imaginative. Diamond jewelry itself is a traditional style but you can be creative and imaginative about it by experimenting in the shape of the stone and the color of the setting.

6. After choosing your stone and its shape, decide on the setting or the metal you want to use. Gold—either white or yellow—is the most common options but you can also choose platinum if you want to be different. The setting can be a four-prong setting that shows off the stone while the six-prong setting offers more of a security advantage.

7. Consider the cut you prefer. Aside from the size of the diamond stone, the cut or shape of your diamond jewelry can set it apart from the rest. The safest and most common cuts are round but you can also opt for princess solitaire or square cut stone, modern heart shape, pear or tear drop shape, oval shape, marquise shape, emerald cut, radiant shape, and asscher shape based on your personal taste.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Shapes Of Your Diamond Jewelry

Diamonds in the rough are as ordinary as any regular stone, sometimes uglier. But once these are cut into shapes into the diamond jewelry that we are familiar with, the transformation is simply magical.

Diamonds are usually cut to accentuate their brilliance, fire and color.


Diamonds are mostly cut into familiar round shapes (round brilliant cut). Those that are not are known as ‘fancy cuts’.

Fancy cuts are the baguette (like the French loaf of bread), the marquise, the princess (square), briolette (rose cut), and the pear cut.

Today, newer cuts are introduced into the industry, perhaps to liven it up. These include the ‘cushion’, the ‘radiant’ (like princess cuts, only with rounded edges), and the ‘Asscher’ cut (square emerald cut).

Fancy-colored diamonds are mostly cut in these new styles. However, these fancy cuts are not held to the strict standards of diamond cuts.

These precise standards were set by mathematician and gem enthusiast Marcel Tolkowsky. He calculated the exact angles and dimensions of the diamond’s facets (surfaces) to reflect the most light and gives the diamond its famed brilliance.  


Like any other man-made ornament, diamond cuts are also heavily influenced by the fashion of the day. In the Art Deco period, the baguette (it accentuates a diamond’s luster but plays down the fire) was the favorite.

Today, the princess cut is gaining popularity, mostly among younger women. It is a favorite among diamond cutters because it uses most of the crystal in the original stone.

Since the past decades, there had been modifications of diamond cuts. These new cuts are seen to be more on trying to adapt a brand differentiation rather than actual improvements.


The round diamond is the most popular today. It has 57 facets (or 58 including the culet). By far, it displays the most fire and scintillation among all.

Cut into a square with 90 degrees angle on each corner, the princess cut brings out a tremendous amount of brilliance, second only to the round.

Heart-shaped diamonds are the most sentimental of all. It is also the hardest to find.

Radiant diamonds are rectangles with rounded corners. What make it special are the patterns of the facets that makes it look like cracked ice.

Invented in the 60s, the oval diamond is similar to the round brilliant, except for the ovate shape. One can see a visible “bow-tie” on top.

Designed in 1902, the Asscher is often called the square emerald cut. It has cropped corners that give it a distinctive elegance.

The emerald cut, rectangular or square, has beveled corners. It has a window-like transparency giving it a classic beauty.

The marquise has 56 facets, elongated and has pointed ends. Reportedly, it had been inspired by the smile of the Marquise de Pompadour and created for Louis XIV.

The pear cut looks more like a teardrop. It shows off best as a pendant or on earrings.

The cushion cut or the candlelight has larger facets and rounded corners to increase their sparkle under candlelight.

The corners of a triangle diamond may be pointed or rounded. The body shape is defined by the cutter or the stone’s characteristics.

By far, one can see that the many shapes of diamond jewelry are all geared to accentuate the beauty of the stone, its own unique elegance. Which one would look best on you?

The Making Of Diamond Jewelry

In diamond jewelry, the cut is one characteristic considered to be the most important. With a good cut, the quality of the final gem can offset a lower color quality or a generally poorer clarity.

On the other hand, a D-color (a very high rating), Internally Flawless stone will not live up to its high promise if the cut is poor. The inferior quality of the cut would reduce all of the diamond’s brilliance, sparkle and scintillation. 


Ever since the beginning of diamond cutting in the mid-1300s, the techniques had evolved slowly through the years to what it is now today, which includes the use of lasers. It was in the 1600s when they found out that more facets meant more brilliance.

It was with the Single cut that the modern and popular Brilliant cut of today was founded. The modern round brilliant cut diamond had evolved into a round outline, symmetrical triangular and kite-shaped facets, a table and a small culet, which was optional.


Diamond cutting, though done in around 5 basic steps, is actually a very long and intense process. For the layman, knowing the lengthy procedures would afford one to appreciate the work done.

Stone shapes

The natural shape of the original rough stone is the arbiter of the final shape of the finished diamond jewelry. Naturally oblong-shaped stones become marquises, ovals or pear shapes.

There might be near-perfect crystal shapes and they will more likely to become princess cuts or some other square cuts. Some large stones sometimes take a longer time to plan because of the fear of crystal wastage. They sometimes produce two gems out of one rough stone.


The first crucial step in making diamond jewelry is planning when the rough stones are being subjected to lengthy scrutiny. The planner (his only work) decides where to mark the stone to fashion out a profitable polished gem or gems.

Mistakes like incorrect markings and others can cost as high as thousands of dollars. The planner decides the size, clarity, and the direction of the crystal when marking. Cleaving in a wrong position can shatter a diamond stone and make it worthless. 

Cleaving or sawing

After the planner’s markings, the stone is either manually cleaved or sawed. The saw is a diamond-coated rotary one, or a laser.


Bruting is the process where the worked-on diamond is being spun on a rotating lathe and another diamond is forced against it to gradually form a rounded outline at first.


This is the final stage of the cutting process where the diamond is given its finished proportions.

The first polishing stage is blocking. This establishes the diamond’s basic symmetry. It is here where the first 17 or 18 facets are made, creating a single cut. For very small diamonds, the process for them ends here.


The brillianteering stage is next for the larger diamonds where their final facets are polished. This will determine their brilliance and their fire, whether they will be dazzling beauties or dull stones.

For the cutter, the driving force is always to create a diamond jewelry masterpiece.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Anatomy Of Your Diamond Jewelry

Diamond jewelry had always been regarded to be on top of the list as the world’s most-desired gem, although a few would like to dispute it. Nevertheless, the diamond mystique still works its charms on people for them to want to own a piece, or at least to know more about it.

After centuries of fascinating stories and myths, here are the bare facts all about the world’s most wanted gem.

The bare essentials

Most people would certainly have heard about diamonds. They may have heard how precious they are as jewels. Some may have heard, too, random bits and pieces about the qualities that make them fascinating and attractive to people.

Let us take you to a short guided tour and introduce you to the essential parts (and other aspects) of a diamond for your information. It is then up to you to discover what make them special as gems.

This is the first surface (surfaces in gems are called facets) that you will see. It is on top of the diamond, and is the largest area in the whole stone’s body.


This is the upper part of the diamond just above the girdle that includes the table and the bezel facets around. (The girdle is the outer edge of the diamond forming the stone’s total width around it.)

The crown slopes down to the girdle and this is called the crown angle. It passes and intersects the stone’s bezel facets. (The bezel is the metal holding the stone around the girdle.)

This crown angle helps in the dispersion of light, called fire, in a diamond. It also helps to enhance the diamond’s brilliance.


As pointed out, this is the narrow band encircling the widest part of the diamond. This part of the stone is sometimes faceted (tiny polished surfaces) and some are not. Some jewelers have the diamond’s certificate number inscribed in laser on the girdle.


This is the bottom part of the diamond, essentially the facets just below the girdle, all leading to the culet. This is where lights come in and is reflected out of the stone’s table.


This is the pointed end at the bottom of the stone which may be faceted (a tiny polished surface at the endpoint) to protect from chipping.

In the early days, large faceted culets were common in diamonds, especially the Old European or Old Mine cuts. Modern diamonds have very small culets or none at all.

Other essentials

The above are only the basic physical parts of the diamond. But there are other considerations that make it the most-coveted stone today. This is where the other aspects of the stone would make it stand out and differ from the others.


This is the stone’s measurement from the culet to the table. The stone’s depth is responsible for the correct angling and height for light to enter and be reflected back to the viewer in a most fascinating manner.

These flashes of reflected light are commonly referred to as sparkle.  The intensity of this reflected bunch of light beams to the top of the diamond is called brilliance. When a diamond moves, there are flashes of color reflected from within, and it is called fire.


This is another important gauge in a diamond’s desirability because this is an indicator of the stone’s quality. Misalignments (facet angles, polish, lengths, etc) can diminish some of the diamond jewelry’s other near-perfect qualities.

Spotting The Faux Diamond Jewelry

It is important to understand or have a basic knowledge on differentiating a fake and a real diamond. This would make sure that you are not committing any kind of financial mistake or investment.  The best thing that you could do to check on the authenticity of your diamond jewelry is to take it to an independent and professional jeweller to get it appraised. 

However, there are simple things that could do that would help you make smart decisions when choosing your diamond jewelry.

• Making a good decision would rely on how educated you are.  Learn about diamonds or the 4 Cs of diamonds: color, cut, carat and clarity.  There are numerous websites that offer an insight on how you could determine the quality of a diamond based on the 4 Cs.

• Working with reputable and trusted jewellers would also make sure that you are not getting involved in any kind of fraudulent transactions.  It could be a those national and big chains or you could work with a local jeweller, what’s important is that you are working that already has an established reputation in the business.

• It always pay to ask the retailer.  There are some jewellers who would not offer information unless you ask them.  For example, you could ask the retailer if the diamond jewerly you are fancying is indeed jewelry or a similar stone called the moissanite. Ask questions about the stone or jewel.

• Settings would give you an insight if you are getting a true diamond. Since diamonds are expensive stones, it is normal that it would be mounted on a setting that would compliment its value.  If the setting is poorly crafted then it is likely that you are not getting a valuable stone.

• Some would say that fake diamonds sparkle like rainbows.  It is true.  A real diamond would give off shades of gray when sparkling.  Those that give rainbow shades are most likely copy cats.

• Another test that most buyers would do would be transparency test.  It could be done if you are buying loose diamond stones.  This would allow you to put the stone on top of a newspaper and check if you could see through it.  If you can then you could be dealing with a bogus stone, since diamonds would not properly disperse light.

• Diamonds are known to be one of the hardest stones out there.  So check if the diamond jewelry bears any kind of imperfection like scratches, nicks, etc.  Diamond jewelries are still capable of sustaining such defects, but too much scratches or imperfections could be suspicious.

• Diamond certificates are also another proof that the diamond jewels are for real.  A jeweller or a retailer would offer this certificate along with the purchase.  You could get a certificate from the GIA or EGL. 

However, fake diamonds are not always bad. You could get them affordably and almost has the same look as the real diamonds in untrained eyes.  Since it is more affordable, lost or damaged jewelries would be easier to replace. Aside from that any jewel, diamond or fake jewelry, cannot exceed the intention and sincerity of the person who will be giving it.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Proper Care For Your Diamond Jewelry

Diamonds are forever, so the song goes. That might be so, but your diamond jewelry still requires proper care and cleaning or you will not enjoy its celebrated beauty.

Like any other personal ornament, diamond jewelry needs some periodic cleaning and grooming to be at its best. The following are some practical care tips collated over time from diamond owners.

Dirt and grime
A clean diamond shows more brilliance and fire than any stone of its kind that is dirty, smudged, or covered with grime. These definitely lessen the beauty of your jewelry.

This is simply because oil, dirt, or water reduces the natural sheen of the stone. Oil is usually caused from constant touching and natural day-to-day handling of your diamond jewelry.

Dirt and grime, on the other hand, often settle at the bottom of the diamond. These interfere with the diamond’s brilliance.

The minutest film of oil that smudges the stone reduces the diamond’s capacity to reflect light. Dyes or other colored liquid materials can also have an effect on the apparent color of your stone.


While it might be the hardest mineral and can only be cut or polished by another diamond, a really hard blow can cause these stones to chip.

Doing rough work, strenuous sports and other heavy activities might also be risky. They can loosen clasps, bezels and other holding mechanisms of your jewelry’s stone.

It is good policy to remove jewelry when going into a swimming pool, Jacuzzi or hot tub. Chlorine and bleach could accumulate in your jewelry and make the gold and other metals brittle and could loosen the prongs that hold the stones.

Everyday toiletry items can dull your diamond’s luster. Lotions, soaps, powders, perfumes, hair sprays, and your own skin oils can diminish your diamond’s sparkle.


If you do your own cleaning, you can prepare a mix of warm water and any mild detergent. Put in some few drops of ammonia, if you have it.

Soak your jewelry for some minutes to loosen the grime and the oil. Afterwards, very gently clean your jewelry with an old toothbrush. (An eyebrow brush is very good.)

Using warm water, rinse away the sudsy feel. With a soft lint-free cloth, pat it dry while trying not to touch it (if possible) with your bare fingers. 

There are commercial jewelry cleaners that come with applicators that you can buy and quickly clean your jewelry. Be careful to read and follow the instructions well.

Regular inspection

Everyday use (putting on and taking off) of your diamond jewelry might loosen some of the metal frames. It is good to inspect your jewelry regularly.

Take it to a competent jeweler if you suspect something is loose for fixing. It is good policy if you can have you diamond jewelry examined once a year. The jewelers can do repair work, if there is need of one, and can do the cleaning as well.


Never store all your jewelry together in a bunch. The diamonds can scratch all the other gemstones, metals, and the other diamonds.

Your diamond jewelry is best stored in a fabric-lined case with individual compartments. Wrap them separately in soft cloth (or tissues) or in jewelry pouches for each piece. When you wear them, you can enjoy them in all their glorious best.

Online Shopping: What To Keep In Mind When Buying Diamond Jewelry

Diamond jewelries, although expensive, are becoming popular gifts not only for engagements, but also for anniversaries, birthday and other joyous occasions. Diamond jewelry shopping could be a bit overwhelming, since there are national chains and local jewellers which could provide what you want.  Another place to search and purchase diamond jewelries is on the internet. 

More people are choosing online shops rather than personally buying the jewelry from the shops.  Mainly, it is because the price tends to be more affordable when buying things online.  Aside from the difference in the cost, there are also more choices in online shops.  It would also give you enough time to make a guided decision and learn more about diamonds.   It would even make jewelry hunting easier, since you can do this while at home or in the office. 

If you have chosen to purchase online, there are guidelines that should be considered to make sure that you will be getting your money’s worth. 

• When buying jewelries online, always look for shops that would display their business registration number.  They would also be displaying company contact information.  You could start by checking if these online shops are credible enough by calling the company offices.   You could also check online stores by sending them e-mails.  Immediate reply to your call or e-mail would show how much the company value its customers.

• Always check the money-back guarantee. There are online stores that would offer diamond and other kinds of jewelries in low prices, only to find out that they have no-return policies in the fine print. 

• Once the online purchase is finished, it is available to take the jewelry to a trustworthy jeweller for inspection.  If your jeweller decides to use a loupe or a scope to examine it, make sure that your jeweller would be done with the inspection before the return-policy expires.  This would help you get an idea if your purchase would be worth its price,  if not, then you could return it.

• Don’t immediately buy the diamond jewelry that would catch your eye.  Continue with searching for similar diamond jewelry that could cost you lower.

• When purchasing the diamond, always ask for the diamond certification or grading report.  This would ensure that your jewelry was properly inspected and documented. 

• When buying diamond jewelry online, using your credit card for purchase would be a good idea.  There are some credit card companies who would prevent or intervene if the product purchased or site is fraudulent.  Check with your bank if they would be able to do this for you in case you would run into a problem.

Online shops and stores could be convenient but safety and precaution should be followed when purchasing on the internet.  Regardless of any kind of product you will be buying, research is very crucial.

There are also organizations which you could approach to learn more about a particular business or assistance regarding a problem with a purchase.  There are also local programs which could help in resolving disputes about jewelry, even diamond jewelry disputes.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Not Just Natural: Colored Diamond Jewelry

Contrary to what we commonly know, diamond jewelries are not always clear.  Colored diamonds are becoming more popular compared with the usual white and transparent diamonds even though naturally colored diamonds are more expensive.  Some companies are giving some of their diamonds color treatment to make it more suitable for some customers, budget-wise.

Treating diamonds with color would be by inducing the stones into extremely high heat to change the color.  It could also be painted.  When appraising color-treated diamonds, they tend to be more affordable since the color are less intense compared with the natural ones. 

There are different shades and colors for naturally colored diamonds.  But there are popular color shades and combinations, they are the pink, blue, brown, yellow, orange, green and red.  Interestingly, there are also black diamonds.  Yellow colored diamonds are the most common, while those in red, blue and green are the rarest.

When buying naturally colored diamonds, they are evaluated and checked just like the white and transparent ones.  The 4 Cs are still used in grading colored diamonds:  cut, clarity, color and carat.  However, the way or the factors how colored diamond are inspected are different.

• Color.   Naturally colored diamonds’ value would depend on the intensity of its color and its hue.  The more intense and vivid the color is, the value of the diamond also increases.  There would be times when there are traces of other color.  If the traces of the secondary color magnifies the beauty of the stone, then that would be great for the value of the stone. But if the underlying color is not complementing the main color, then it lowers down the diamond’s value.

• Cut.  A diamond’s cut gives the brilliance to the diamond.  The cut would enhance the intensity and the shade of the diamond’s color.  Most colored diamonds are in round, oval, and princess cuts.  There are also some that would be heart shaped and other unique shapes.

• Clarity.  Clarity is important for white and transparent diamonds, but for naturally-colored diamonds they may not be as important. 

• Carat.  Carat is all about the weight of the diamond and not about the size.  Of course, the bigger it is the heavier it will be.  The heavier the colored diamond, the higher its value. 

Just like when purchasing white diamonds, obtain a grading certificate from the retailer.  Make sure that the certificate is issued by international laboratories like the IGI, GIA or EGL.  This certification would be your assurance that what you have bought is indeed a natural colored diamond and not a stone that was tampered with.

The most popular colors would be in yellow and pink.  There are celebrities who fancy wearing colored diamonds.  Over the years, the demand for other colors is also increasing.  Another subject of curiosity would be the black diamond which is sometimes associated with both luck and being unlucky.  Most legends would say that black diamond jewelries are cursed and would bring bad fortune to those who own it. But different from other colored diamond jewelries, black diamonds are mainly used for industrial purposes.

New Best Friend: Man Made Diamond Jewelry

There is not doubt about the value of a diamond jewelry. Over the centuries, man are trying to create the perfect synthetic diamond, something that will look like a diamond jewelry on the naked eye.

As early as 1893, there are already attempts in creating substitutes to diamonds. The first attempt to make a man made diamond was done by Frederic Henri Moissan which involved heating charcoal and adding pressure that caused changes from the graphite into a diamond.   But it was 1979 when mass production of diamond imitations became possible. 

De Beers was the first to coin the term, “ A Diamond is Forever” during the 1940s.   With this kind of advertising, diamond became the usual stone for engagement rings.  Before, during 1930s, engagement rings would usually have opals, rubies and sapphires for their stone.  The value of diamonds started to increase, so was the attempts to create a perfect synthetic diamond.

By 1955, General Electric produced small artificial diamonds which where of the same quality as industrial diamonds.  Synthetic diamonds were created by exposing carbon dioxide to heat over a metal surface.  The heat was created or generated by several lasers. Today, they are mass produced with production reaching as much as 100 tons every year.

Here are some lists of diamond imitating stones: 

• Rock crystals or rhinestones are crystallized quartz which can look like a diamond, however, they could get easily scratched. 

• Zircon is another kind of stone which could pose as a diamond.  By exposing the stone to heat, it could turn colorless making it look like quartz and diamond.  Just like rhinestones they could get easily scratched. 
• Cubic zirconia is called the grandfather of artificial diamonds.  As a diamond copy, it is synonymous with low-cot jewelry and not as a decent fashion accessory. 

• Russian diamonds are also cubic zirconia stones.  The difference is that they are of high quality and can cause about $280 per carat.  These stones are usually mounted in metal settings that are worth real stones.

• Moissanite is another kind of stone which is created or made inside the laboratory.  Just like a diamond, it is a hard kind of stone.  Although they are relatively more affordable than diamonds, they are still expensive.  Moissanite tends to give a greenish shade in natural light and may sparkle too much because its light reflection characteristics. These characteristics make it easier for some expert to differentiate a moissanite from a real diamond.

• Another best imitation of the diamond would be from the Diamond Nexus.  The Nexus and the real diamond’s characteristics are so close together.  The Diamond Nexus could cut glass due to its hardness and sparkle and can be just as brilliant as the real diamond.  Because they are just being introduced in the market, they considerably cost lower.

• Gemisis cultured diamond is another diamond copy.  The difference with the real diamond is that they cannot be made into a clear and white color. 

• Other synthetic diamonds would be strontium titanate, artificial rutile and spinel. 

There’s quite a number of synthetic or man made diamonds available.  Buying them is not illegal, but if the jeweller is trying to sell of man-made diamonds as real diamonds, then there will be a problem.  Which is why when buying diamond jewelry always ask for certification. If you would like to buy a nice present for a loved one but would like to stay within budget, then buying man-made diamond jewelry is not a bad idea.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Modern Look: Hip-Hop Diamond Jewelry

What’s great about diamond jewelry is that it could go along with the latest fashion trend.  There are different designs and styles that could make diamond jewelry fit different fashion, even Hip Hop.  Hip Hop is the fashion trend that most of the young generation follow, even celebrities would follow the latest Hip Hop fashion style.

Hip Hop jewelry is often characterized as extravagant, flashy and catchy accessories that would also serve as status symbol for some.  This would show or celebrate a person’s success and the quality of life they are experiencing.  This is not just about showing extravagant and expensive jewelries, but is also about celebrating life.  It is no different from how ancient cultures would use accessories.  Bones, shells and other decorative pieces are used to indicate their status in their society. 

Fashion jewelries for Hip Hop emerged during 1970s.  Celebrities from different fields, music, film and sports would show up with the Hip Hop trend from ‘80s until the ‘90s. Until it was not only the celebrities showing up with this kind of fashion.  Hip Hop jewelries started to become bigger and flashier as the years go by, along with its number of followers.  
Nowadays, it is not unusual to see artists performing with chains, diamond rings and earrings,  and watches encrusted with jewels.  Hip Hop fashion is not only about the clothes and the accessories.  It has become a lifestyle, living in extravagance, luxury and expression of success and celebration of the fruits of hard work. 

Hip Hop jewelry can be made from variety of materials, it could be yellow or white gold, platinum, silver and diamond.  In the ‘80s and ‘90s, it was mainly just gold.  But later on, silver, platinum and diamond became more popular because of the brilliance and its slick feel. Hip Hop jewelry is often referred to as Bling-Bling.  It did not only materialize in watches, rings and chains.  It is also usual to see diamond or jewel encrusted belt buckles, dog tags, and other aspects of fashion. 

With the increasing popularity of Hip Hop jewelry, there are also Bling-blings which are designed for those with simpler tastes.  These kind of jewelries are becoming popular not only with the younger generation, but even with those who belong is a more mature age level.   Diamond Bling-blings are great gift ideas for both men and women.  There are different designs that could go easily with different occasions.  Although, Hip Hop fashion is characterized as being flashy, there are also tone-downed designs which could be given to those who do not have flashy tastes.

But diamond and jewel encrusted jewelries are not the most affordable gift items.  Actually, they can be very hard on wallets. An option would be buying similarly designed jewelries but with imitation or synthetic diamonds.  These diamonds are not naturally made or mined which make them more affordable, but they mimic the characteristics of a real diamond. 

However, if you are decided on buying real diamonds for your Hip Hop fashion,  always get a grade certification from the jeweller.  This document would assure you that you got your money’s worth.  If you are not up to extravagant spending, then you could settle for some man-made diamond jewelry with the Hip Hop feel.  You could easily check for designs and costs on the internet.

Maintaining Your Diamond Jewelry

They say that diamonds are a girls’ best friend, then you would have to care for your bestfriend right? It’s so great to have beautiful diamond jewelry which you can use for special and formal occasions.  Although, diamonds are hard stones, it is still important to care for them to avoid any kind of scratches or damage. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when caring for your precious stones.

• It is best to avoid wearing your diamonds or gave them stained with oil, beaching liquid, or whenever you are doing heavy work.  These may affect the lustre of your stone, metal bands and may even damage the texture.  Bleach and other chemicals may discolour the metal bands.

• When keeping or storing your diamonds, separate it from other jewelries.  It may scratch your other stones.  Keep your diamonds individually packed since it can also be scratched by another diamond.  If you cannot provide a box or you would have to store your jewelry in one box, then you could use cloth pouches or plastic sealing bags to keep them separately.  Just make sure that the jewels are perfectly dry to avoid any moisture formation.

• Diamond settings need to be checked.  You could take it to your favourite jeweller every year to check on the prong or the settings.  If they are loose, then your jeweller could make repairs immediately.  You could take it every six months to the jeweller, some would have their stones checked yearly.

• Clean your diamond jewelry every month.  Its shine and brilliance could get affected by the oils and fats that it is exposed to.  The oils and fats could be from your skin or from your cosmetics.  You could always get a professional to clean it for you. 

• You could cleanse your jewelry at home.  Just drop it in tepid water with some liquid soap and brush it with a soft-bristled toothbrush.   Use a strainer when taking it out of the water to make sure that you are not losing any stone.  Rinse it carefully with lukewarm water and dry it. Make sure to completely dry it since water could tarnish the bands and weaken the clasps. 

• You could get ammonia mixture cleansers from your jeweller.

• Aside from bleach, chemicals and fats, extreme temperatures can also be harmful to your jewelry.  It could cause some damage on the jewel’s cement or can fracture the gemstones.

• Avoid wearing your diamond jewelries when participating in sport activities or swimming. 

• Diamonds that were altered may need a different kind of care.  There are some diamond jewelries that have undergone treatment.  There are some stones that have been fractured before and were treated with epoxies.  Epoxies could melt in intense heat and eventually cause your diamond to fracture again. You could ask your trusted jeweller if your diamond jewelries have been altered in any way.

Always keep in mind that your diamond jewelries are indeed the hardest stone, but it does not mean that they will be able to last forever given that you are not taking care of it properly.  Proper caring would surely make the shine last for a long time, even forever.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Light Performance And Your Diamond Jewelry

The one standout quality that diamond jewelry possesses (that makes them so desirable) is their ability to absorb light and disperse it back to the beholder. Humans have always been mesmerized by these light displays for centuries now.

In the jewelry industry, light performance is the description of how well a diamond stone returns the light to the viewer. These light properties described in light performance are brilliance, fire, and scintillation.


Brilliance is how we perceive the diamond’s brightness. Normally, brilliance is not just the simple return of the light to the eyes of the beholder coming from the stone’s external and internal facets.

Brilliance is also more than just the scintillation, the availabilities of light sources and the contrasts. Included here would be the fluctuating variables of an imperfect human perception.

For some, brilliance is the most important feature to consider a diamond’s beauty. This is because once brilliance is compromised, the diamond’s fire and scintillation are both reduced, too.

Steep diamonds should be set in such a way that the light can enter in the pavilion and is reflected back out to the table (the stone’s top-most facet). Leakages are when a “window effect” is produced and the diamond can be seen through like plain glass.


The idea of scintillation had been thought of as alternating flashes of contrasting dark and brightness produced by facets, caused in turn by the viewer’s movement, the diamond or the illuminating source.

For some experts, defining and measuring scintillation cannot be done accurately, claiming that observations are always personal assessments.

Others would define it as a contrast for brilliant white or fiery colored sparkles that appear brighter to the human eye. “Sparkly” things always catch and attract attention.

One expert defines two kinds of scintillation. Static scintillation is “the amount and the placement of darkness in a diamond seen … [face-up view] in a jewelry store environment from a distance of 16 inches.” Dynamic scintillation “is the sparkle effect [one sees] when [any one of the] diamond, the light or the observer moves.”

Generally, scintillation is the total effect when small flashes of light are seen when the diamond, the light source or the viewer is moved. Consequently, a diamond that is cut and polished that gives off a high level of this quality is considered high in light performance.

There is a common assumption that diamonds with additional facets are more scintillating. (Strangely though, some customers likes better the bolder, blocky scintillation of the Old Mine cuts.)


The so-called fire in a diamond is its ability to disperse white light into its component colors. These are the spectral colors which are produced when the diamond disperses back the light like an expensive prism.

These flashes of color are more intense and more attractive, though.

However, maximum brilliance and maximum fire cannot be observed at the same time, with the same view and at the same point. Brilliance is best seen in well-lighted areas and fire appears better in a point-lit room.

Whichever quality attracts you to diamond jewelry – brilliance, scintillation, or fire – you certainly are one of those men and woman who had fallen to the magic charms of a very beautiful-looking stone.

Is Your Diamond Jewelry Real?

Given very few exceptions, diamond jewelry is the world’s most expensive in its class. Even those diamond items that are small or flawed still cost more than the best of the other gems.

It is small wonder, then, that some people would capitalize on this and put out fakes to rip off the unwary and make a fast buck for themselves. How does one make sure one’s diamonds are real?

As a layman, you can rely on your common sense and use some of the following random tips. Spotting a fake diamond may not be very easy (some con artists use very sophisticated techniques nowadays), but it can be done.

When all else fails and you cannot trust your judgment, you can always have your stone appraised by a competent professional jeweler.


Check for scratches. As your elementary science had told you, diamonds are the hardest known element so far discovered in the universe. It stands to reason then that it cannot be scratched or gashed by anything softer.

Moissanite (which resembles a real diamond) and cubic zirconium (another diamond dead-ringer) both scratch easily. Ask your jeweler for a magnifying glass and check it yourself.

Personal tests

Breathe into a diamond. If it clears up fast, it’s real. If it takes the stone some seconds to evaporate the moisture, it might be a fake.

Hold the stone up to the light. If there is a rainbow of colors instead of shades of gray, your diamond could be a fake. It does not have a diamond’s real property to reflect light.

Sometimes, the setting and the mounting of the stone are both giveaways. Fake stones are usually set in inferior metals. Cheap stones and cheap settings usually go together. (The settings might also be plated in gold or silver to simulate the real things.)

Be forward about your purchase and ask about your diamond stone. Ask if your stone is a diamond or a moissanite.

The dealer should be able to provide the information. Some retailers have a “don’t ask, don’t tell policy”.

Best of all, ask for the stone’s certificate. If the diamond is real, dealers would be willing to issue such a certificate.

The best certificate comes from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the European Gemological Laboratories (EGL) if you are from the continent.

These organizations examine diamonds and issues grade reports on them. GIA and EGL are the two of the most respected laboratories acknowledged by the whole diamond industry in the world.

Be a sometime expert

If you have the inclination, the resources and the time, you may enroll at the American Institute of Diamond Cutting, for instance. This independent academy can train you to become a diamond expert.

Other companies, like the famous De Beers Group, have their retail personnel study at the Diamond Academy for a training course that provides information all about diamonds. Getting into the company will make you an expert, too.

Studying on your own all about diamonds will also fill you in with some essential information about the gem. Libraries and the Internet abound with information.

In the meantime, some of the tips on how to spot fake diamond jewelry can help. An inquisitive mind and a healthy skepticism are definitely advantageous.